Monday, February 3, 2014

Nope, my uterus has never had an organism inside it.

Today I will be tackling tacky terrible tropes.
namely, the classic line

you wouldn't understand, you're not a mother.

That is in fact quite true, generic character, I have not had a miniature alien person grow inside of me. I have not shoved a watermelon out of my vagina.
I certainly have NOT had a tiny person depend on me for everything.

While I agree, these things can change you and toughen you up, and make your hormones get crazy jumbly, I disagree that they make any mother magically more enlightened on any parenting topic.

I especially hate seeing this line in tv shows where a 17 year old wants her kid back after adopting them away.
What the hell do you know about anything?

You don't understand responsibility, you got knocked up in high school.
You made a responsible choice to give your kid away, and are fucking up the ONLY good decision you made by insisting your used womb gives you a free pass for a kid.

Yes, you totally are a mother. And still a shitty person.

but I digress....

The main issue I have with this line is just how not anything it really is.

Parenting is certainly tough and eye opening and enlightening and selfless- i'm not here to invalidate that.
Giving birth sounds HORRIBLE. Painful, you have to be goddam tough for that....
all the things associated with being a mother are indeed trying and could give someone the credentials to be experts in certain places.

But people are different. Each woman's experience can be different from the next.
Just like how not all celebrities are out of touch and rude and rich, not every mother has picked up these qualities.

Imagine, for example

you wouldn't understand, you're not a lawn mower

we can assume lawn mowers would indeed have a great understanding of certain things, perhaps beyond human understanding. That doesn't mean every lawn mower can talk, and if they could would share their great grass clipping wisdom with us.

Monday, January 27, 2014


It's been a while guys... Damn, sorry about that. So today we are going to talk about....
YAY! Yay abortion!
Not really, c'mon guys i'm only kidding.

Abortion is one of those issues that always makes me sad- not because of fetuses dying or mothers losing their rights of self or even just the intense and sometimes violent nature the argument has taken on. No, my issue lies with the way it is argued.  Abortion has become a sensationalist issue, which had all the potential to just be a rational "let's talk terms here" compromise situation. Cue jokes about women being emotional and crazy...

I have made this post before, in fact it's the post right before this one (XD whoops sorry!) but I still see the problem...

I see valid arguments from both sides, really; the problem lies in its connection to religion. One side quotes Bible verses and condemns the other to hell, and the other side screams back religious insensitivities and jokes they'd gladly go just to meet the other there. The problem with this is that instead of making progress we play tug of war, and EVERYONE loses.

Pro Life brings up the interesting point- when rational- that we don't have a set agreement on when we consider life to start, a whole other problem we need to address.  They also paint grisly pictures of late term abortions, which most would agree go too far.

Pro Choice people- when not screaming injustice- argue that for now most professionals agree that life begins later than conception.  They point out that doesn't a full grown woman have more rights than something inside of her that cannot process basic thought yet?

I argue often, why not ban abortions after which the child could survive on it's own- that's when I consider them autonomous people. I mean the ideal solution would be a way to support a child outside of a womb- like a super advanced incubator based on the ones used on preemies- and then it would only be the fertilized eggs, and basic clumps of tissue being "murdered".

As people often point out
"you're not a mother, you can't understand"
(hint, next week's talking point)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I'M BACK and angrier than ever!!! YAY

Sometimes don't you just want to have life manifest as the teenage blonde antagonist from every high school movie and tell her JUST WHAT YOU THINK???
uhh... yeah me neither...

but seriously! what the hell, life? You kill children and kittens and old ladies who live alone WITH kittens and it's frankly just getting out of hand missy.

ALAS I am not here to rant about life, because she has been and always will be impossible to reason with. Today I shall be discussing

or rather, the people who talk about it.

My panties haven't gotten twisted over the whole abortion debate because frankly, I see reason in both sides, IF THERE WAS REASON!

Lately it has just been like this:

-_- you see my point, though?

Even the more "logically" portrayed of sides, the pro-choice side, has stumbled into this mushy pot of disgustingly terrible debate techniques. And the pro-life side has resorted to arguments SOLEY based in religion. They could just as easily make all their points without a religious base- a platform they cannot ever grow out of because we are a religion free government.

Sometimes I wish I had enough reach and power to tell the heads of this directly, but seriously- I would love to find a resolution for all, but you keep insisting of screaming matches and tired, already failed, invalid, points.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


These past three weeks or so have been long and full of business and such, and will continue to be this way until christmas so I thought I would give you some doodles to tide you over.
The good ones are thanks to my friend Angela.
 grape suicide prevention ad?

I want to animate this XD

Angela drawing peoples faces as fruit


Angela making Totoro Satan


Anorexia? I dunno, sometimes I think i'm deep

Gecko kong

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Rainbow Project

So i'm fairly sure there's something out there already with this name but BLEH!

When I got out of being depressed, or rather started, I made this pact I called the rainbow project.  I swore to always have something on me to cheer me up enough to get through the day since I was still fighting waves of feeling terrible about and for myself.

This showed up in little ways like rainbow sweaters, and My Little Pony dolls above my bed to see when I woke up, and worked itself into my style of dress and method of doodling.  I created this little mental and physical sanctuary for myself and I really like that.

So, take from that what you will,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

And you thought you were special...

For generations, teenagers have vowed to defy everything their parents were about. We talk about "hipsters", this terrible collection of people who use the dreaded Instagram, wear vintage clothing, and obsess over new bands.  They've existed before, they were called hippies and record heads.  We've always had bad boys, who say their favorite color is black in the form of a leather jacket, and drop the name of every girl they've nailed.  We've always had the kids who sit in the back hoping not to be called on, and the kids who raise their hands to every question. Maybe your dad was a jock and you've dedicated yourself to science, but i'd bet money on the fact that they swirlied a different incarnation of you the generation before.

We ARE our parents.

We defy the government, and deny religion, and wear less and less clothing but to be honest- it's been done! We're doing it more extreme sometimes, but no matter how many more peircings we get than them, they did it.

We listen to dubstep,
they listened to rock and roll,
their parents listened to jazz.

Each new wave of rebellion has topped the last, but it's still us doing what mankind has always done.

Defied our parents.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013


People are very odd creatures.

To show affection we hug (an action seen as aggression to ALL other animals), kiss (c'mon, how weird a thing is kissing when you think about it?), and give bouquets of flowers to loved ones.  

Here.  These flowers reminded me of you, so I murdered them and am giving you their corpse so you can watch their beauty slowly die- like yours potentially! wink wink. 

We inflate sacks of rubber to celebrate aging, and light explosives on holidays.  We watch people attack each other to put spheres in goals, and then go so excited watching it we stampede and trample hundreds to death.   We jump off of buildings with cloth bundles and wind to break our fall, and are amazed when injuries occur.  

People are f*cking weird. 

We paint our hair, toes, face and whole body with colors, and stick metal jewelry all over.  It's considered normal to stab our earlobes to hang things from them.  It's normal for people to drink poison in the form of alcohol, and inhale fumes with cigarettes.  

We are bizarre!