Monday, January 27, 2014


It's been a while guys... Damn, sorry about that. So today we are going to talk about....
YAY! Yay abortion!
Not really, c'mon guys i'm only kidding.

Abortion is one of those issues that always makes me sad- not because of fetuses dying or mothers losing their rights of self or even just the intense and sometimes violent nature the argument has taken on. No, my issue lies with the way it is argued.  Abortion has become a sensationalist issue, which had all the potential to just be a rational "let's talk terms here" compromise situation. Cue jokes about women being emotional and crazy...

I have made this post before, in fact it's the post right before this one (XD whoops sorry!) but I still see the problem...

I see valid arguments from both sides, really; the problem lies in its connection to religion. One side quotes Bible verses and condemns the other to hell, and the other side screams back religious insensitivities and jokes they'd gladly go just to meet the other there. The problem with this is that instead of making progress we play tug of war, and EVERYONE loses.

Pro Life brings up the interesting point- when rational- that we don't have a set agreement on when we consider life to start, a whole other problem we need to address.  They also paint grisly pictures of late term abortions, which most would agree go too far.

Pro Choice people- when not screaming injustice- argue that for now most professionals agree that life begins later than conception.  They point out that doesn't a full grown woman have more rights than something inside of her that cannot process basic thought yet?

I argue often, why not ban abortions after which the child could survive on it's own- that's when I consider them autonomous people. I mean the ideal solution would be a way to support a child outside of a womb- like a super advanced incubator based on the ones used on preemies- and then it would only be the fertilized eggs, and basic clumps of tissue being "murdered".

As people often point out
"you're not a mother, you can't understand"
(hint, next week's talking point)

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