Thursday, October 17, 2013


Stress is what happens when you can't find time to meditate. For me, I can usually find a few minutes to sit in a corner and tell people i'm sleeping, but today was not one of those days. And so I ended up pacing around and trying to do it whilst walking, to no avail.
I then found little ways to calm myself down, I call it "zenning out" (like zoning out but specifically for calming down).  As someone who is usually in a self inflicted state of mild stress in order to be as productive as I am, it doesn't take a lot to make my hands start to shake and my mind to start fogging.  Today I stopped talking, got a little grumpy (alright so I snapped at people), and then walked around a shopping complex looking at halloween stuff. Pretty soon I felt awesome again, but it brought up an interesting point;
What do you do when the stress doesn't stop?
It reminds me of when I was younger and thought about suicide. Things pile on and usually you get a chance to sit back and just relax but sometimes they keep coming and there's only so many people who can ride that out without snapping.  These people wear capes.
I didn't have a cape, or at least I didn't have one that gave me superpowers, and so I felt like I was drowning. Or rather, I was standing under a waterfall that kept pushing me back under.  There's a point when you just stop swimming back up.  You give in to the current, and sooner or later the river pulls you back to a place where you either recover or succumb to the trauma that was nearly dying.
Stress is weird, but I honestly believe that it makes me do some amazing things- even if it shortens my life span by a few years.

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